Life in a Metro

Saw Life in a Metro...what a movie!I totally think this is I am ever crtical in my praise.

I totally dig Irfan's super work... Konkana was good..but at times overdone..-contact lens scene...I can't remember anyone putting contact lenses in such an animated way.Shilpa , Shiney, Kay Kay( he is a master now) , Kangana, the guys from RDB.. were all good...but Kangana could
have done better...her dialogue delivery seems painful. The ending is too nice ....I think Anurag Basu was scared of backlash...cos I saw the making of the movie and he seems to walk the tightrope to not offend popular sentiments.The horse in the street scene is also bollywoodish.. and could have been omitted to something more real. The night shot of mumbai is stunning...and wish more places would have been captured. Mumbai glows in the dust and pollution which is unique as it a weird kind of beauty the city has. The daytime shots are very few..and the crowd and mad rush could have been played up. The storyline is super....Anurag hits it right home..big city...web of relationships ..but no place to spend time with a lover. You are never alone...and
yes..people do rent their home for reasons of seculsion however bizarre the reason may be. I do not think you get opportuniteies to interact with so many people and experience so many relationships you could the way you do in Mumbai and cities likewise. But invariably the
city(physical distance and difficulty to connect with people ) can ruin long term relationships. This only encourages office romance and adultery ...unless life can imitate the movie like does in anurag's storyline (man stays with woman) ...the city is hard on relationships...the city here could be -Mumbai, New York, Calcutta, Delhi,tokyo,London ...any megapolises..


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