Dev D addiction

Dev D
I am a year late on my review for Dev D, but writing about the movie was my only path to catharsis from the addiction of the movie,music, sounds and story. I have been listening to the music of Amit Trivedi for a while now and it is as addictive as cocaine and coffee. The angst filled story of Dev set in Young India is a poignant reflection of our lives entwined, erred and human. Anurag's brilliance is in the deep empathy he has for his flawed characters. For the sake of Bombay cinema, Anurag indulges in DevDas and sets it free from th sugar coated fairlytale shoved down our throats by the Bhansalis of the world.
The Bombay Film industry had its very minimal share of youth angst movies, but its the regional cinema that has explores this genres with more finesse and class. Movies of Ray (including Aranyar Din Ratrir) and regional movies from the South explores this theme from the early 70s era youth. Anurag fills this void for our current youth , the largest demographic on the planet , thereby a service to our bottled up angst and expression. The brilliance of his story and storytelling is his contextual and time consious adaptation of the story with a script that keeps the audience interested.The Delhi School girl scandal, Emosional Atyachar-the one word description of the predicament of our generation, the flawed sex loving Paro, the drug addictive Dev with a powerful facade is just a mirror to our lives and Dev D becomes our document.
Amit Chaturvedi's music needs a special mention or two. He has managed to weave a most unique sound for this movie and sets himself miles apart from the Bappis, Himeshes..of Bollywood. In one song "Payaliya"-features 17 or more instruments and cresendo rises and falls with a coherence that leave an indelible trace in your mind. Pondering of this addictive music inlcuding "Nayan Tarse" was what compelled me to write this blog entry. "Nayan  Tarse" should be the way Hindi rock should be composed and reflects the staple of the generation that toiled itself in the Bombay suburban train to watch rock shows at Indy Rock (Rang Bhavan) , Mood I
(IIT)and Horizon rock fests(RAIT).

Its tragic that Brilliance of Anurag gets lost in the nepotism and gerontocratic system of Bollywood.Bollywood originality has been reduced to its ridicule and excess aesthetic and Anurag has done a service to Bollywood to free itsself from its name. It is the Bombay Cinema that has gained and we all should celebrate by watching and circulating a word or two about this brilliant movie.

You will find after watching it that the only release from the addictive cinematic experience is sharing the experience and encounter with others. If you find yourself in such a predicament feel free to share it with me!....

Paayaliya | Full HQ Song | Dev.D



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