Fight Corruption - Need., Effects, Greed-Why, What, How.

"I'm a traditional Congress loyalist but if Congress tables a Lokpal bill that leaves the PM out of its ambit, I'll never vote for Congress again!"-Rajat from Delhi.

"If anna hazare if an unelected tyrant, prey tell, when did manmohan  singh fight an election and win on his own merits... he had to be  forcefully included through some electoral jugglery"

"It is very surprising that the party that prides itself on being the inheritors of Mahatma Gandhi's political legacy now finds fault in the path of democratic protest shown by the Mahatma. What is the problem in telecasting video recording of Lokpal panel proceedings? By his statement that it will then become a circus, does the minister believe that just because parliamentary proceedings are broadcast live, it makes MPs animals in a circus." -Prashant Bhushan Lokpal Member.


J Dey's murder this week is not the first among journos in Mumbai. In 1993 a journalist was gunned down around Ruia college/5 gardens... This murder is closely linked to land developed around Crawford market and owner's expose in Mid-day. Property prices in Mumbai, which at places are the most expensive in the world and a non-transparent system leads to an insane amount of money is paid as bribe to run these development deals and a CBI probe is almost essential for the truth...SPEAK OUT!

Mumbai tense following journalist's murder


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