On Gender inequality and India.

On some wandering thoughts..I always get asked about gender inequality in India,I trhought I write about it as often I am suprised by the lack of understanding of the effects and reasons of gender inequality in India.
Gender inequality and discrimination is not an Indian problem alone. India may suffer a lot from its oppression of minorities and women but there is nothing fundamentally flawed in Indian philosophy that it promotes gender inequality. Women in Indian literature, philosophy , religions ...right from the vedic times, Harrapan times have been seen with reverence and power. Between the ages of the fall of the Mauryan dynasty coupled with the advent of mughals into India..India started towards a different path. I think the current effort of the government to promote gender equality and remove discrimintaion is an example for the world. It was never meant to be an elitist idea. It has come and assumed from the grassroots level. The women parliamentarians have been
able to make many changes to address the state of women in India. But one can never say enough has been done for women. I think the west too could learn a
lesson or two from the example in the world's most diverse and complicated democracy.
Although the path of gender equality is rough and rare in India ..I am optimistic about it. In a nation where women are prayed as gods and godessess and there have been many examples of women leaders..viz Jhasi,Razia Sultan, Indira, Padmini etc...we have many stories to narrate to set the stage for the change that is bound to come.



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