India Gate-the gateway to terror-British and now Pakistani terror
Its been almost a month since 26/11 terror attack on Bombay (or Mumbai), that I finally found the a coherence of ideas to express my thoughts. Close to 190 people were brutally murdered in one of the most calculated terror attack in the history of modern human civilization. Just as another busy day in the life of a mega polis slowly came to a close, leading the way to a evening of revelry in a city that hardly sleeps, gunshots went buzzing and bombs exploded in 10 different city locations. Bombay mistook this event as another case of mafioso killings but soon it turned to horror in realization that a command style execution of international magnitude was being raged across the city. As body bags started to fill at the cities various hospitals, a gun battle ensued at 3 separate locations in the heart of Bombay's nightlife. Suddenly, the city was gripped with fear and SMSes went around wildly asking friends, family and acquaintances to stay indoors. A city of 19 million ground to a halt in no time and streets look deserted, trains looked empty and all eyes turned to the 24X7 news channels broadcasting what then now had become a gun battle titled “War on Mumbai”..or 26/11. To be fair, it was no less than a war with 8 terrorists holed up at three different locations brutally killing any civilians in their sight using automatic weapons and hurling grenades at unarmed civilians. The Maharashtra police in the meantime defended the civilians with world war II era 303 rifles and lathis. It took almost nine and a half hours for a commando operation to get underway and about 60 hours since the first shot to flush out all the 8 terrorists amidst an international drama on network televisions across the world. At the end of the operation, despite what was termed as a successful operation, the terrorists managed to kill close to 190 innocent , unarmed civilians.India has had internal conflict, violence and terror attacks inside its territory before but to suggest these 10 terrorists were killing for a cause would be a grotesque insult to all the people who lost their lives in this senseless killing. The terrorists spared no one and their victims included people from 9 nationalities, all major religious faith, all age groups and both sexes. Considering, the diversity of people attacked and considering India is really the idea of such a diversity , this attack is nothing short of the attack on the idea of India altogether. Since the day of the attacks , I have been hearing a vortex of emotions across all classes and people.Some have been of helplessness, anger, disgust and quite often rage.
In the midst of this dangerous and noisy chatter of rage, I am reminded of the canvas on , which this cycle of hate has been cast and nurtured to lead our subcontinent to be labeled as the "most volatile and dangerous" in the world. I often do not agree with superlatives and sweeping trivialization of problems and to think that the world oldest civilization would blow themselves apart in a senseless war is somewhat condescending. But what is evident is that the people of the subcontinent need a outlet or a direction to make sense of this trail of terror and carnage. In this framework , I will try to paint the canvas in colors , which poignantly allude to that horrendous mistake made about more than 60 years ago by two selfish , self serving and power-hungry individuals under the aegis of one of the most immoral ,cruel and cunning imperialistic administration that has ruled the world, the United Kingdom.

In the midst of this dangerous and noisy chatter of rage, I am reminded of the canvas on , which this cycle of hate has been cast and nurtured to lead our subcontinent to be labeled as the "most volatile and dangerous" in the world. I often do not agree with superlatives and sweeping trivialization of problems and to think that the world oldest civilization would blow themselves apart in a senseless war is somewhat condescending. But what is evident is that the people of the subcontinent need a outlet or a direction to make sense of this trail of terror and carnage. In this framework , I will try to paint the canvas in colors , which poignantly allude to that horrendous mistake made about more than 60 years ago by two selfish , self serving and power-hungry individuals under the aegis of one of the most immoral ,cruel and cunning imperialistic administration that has ruled the world, the United Kingdom.
i a 4th yr archi. student from DYPCA...