Why we are still slaves...
I am a Libran.I was born in October and an astrological sign of a balance became the compass of my chromosome. I had to be fair and balanced whether these notions ever existed together or separately in the world or not. In viewing the Indian political context, I am struck at our inability to make the government of India and its state government to deliver what they were responsible to deliver. Roads are a sham, projects are delayed, environment is degrading in every direction and despite this complete shrinking of our quality of life, we have been refusing to come together to hold the government responsible for all the wrongs.
To be fair, we have tried like other countries but our core laws that hold government liable for negligence are weak. Laws that make government responsible for their minimum duty are called "Tort Laws". They were framed by the British and adopted by the then Nehruvian government that were enslaven in their minds by rule of our Imperial masters. Some Indians still continue to gloat and sing praises of the British government and its efficiency in dealing with "Indians". It is true by the time of our independence most of today's Indian penal code laws were framed to avoid any liability on our rulers from their responsibility and the structure of those laws is making citizenry till today pay a terrible price in their inability to hold our polity responsible for their shortcomings and mistakes.

To be fair, we have tried like other countries but our core laws that hold government liable for negligence are weak. Laws that make government responsible for their minimum duty are called "Tort Laws". They were framed by the British and adopted by the then Nehruvian government that were enslaven in their minds by rule of our Imperial masters. Some Indians still continue to gloat and sing praises of the British government and its efficiency in dealing with "Indians". It is true by the time of our independence most of today's Indian penal code laws were framed to avoid any liability on our rulers from their responsibility and the structure of those laws is making citizenry till today pay a terrible price in their inability to hold our polity responsible for their shortcomings and mistakes.