Language Chaos and theory

There are many contradictions in English language. But those contradictions extrapolate when you arrive in the US of A. A large English speaking population who are on a mission to re-invent English itself sounds not only scary but can lead to a complete chaos in auditory human communication. The situation could turn more grave if you are dealing with a population who travel largely to a limited number of regions of the world and have very scare knowledge about their own country. The situation will sound more despondent if I tell you that the large population have little to no knowledge of world history and think geography beyond sound of Europe and west of the pacific is irrelevant to their existence. Since , I landed here in 2001, in my first few weeks the bubble of expectation bursted about the US of A. All that we see on TV about the US comes to represent a very miniscule fraction of the what the population of US comprises.
As far as the language disconnection is concerned the situation is far grave. I noticed men and women alike tend to speak English in a very nasal tone as if there was a certain deformation or transformation that occurs when air passes through the trachea to the nasal passage in Northern America. In the Midwest the "g" in all continuous verbs is missing and all words have a definitive nasal twang to it.

I tried telling one of my colleague ,who insisted that it was I who had an accent while he was speaking English,that this was probably the American accent. But now I understand in America , America speak English while the rest of the world speaks with an accent. How interesting? So, the British , the original "tribe" spoke in English accent. It was also interesting to note that now so many of my written communication had to be amended.
I stopped writing "Respected" or "Dear" sir in my letters, I stopped ending my letters with "kindly", I stopped writing "faithfully"...One of my friends actually said it would sound too marital to end my letter in faith and I finally started homogenenizing into this 250 million people.


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