Title of an "architect"
Although, I am a licensed architect in India, I cannot call or use the title of an architect in America in my signature inspite of working through a 5-year Bachelor degree and license requirements. Contrarily, In India visiting foreign architects as well as architects working from aboard can call or refer themselves as architects. It is as if to say architects only exist in their home countries. So, logically speaking I undid myself as an architect as soon as I took the place from India to United States. That does not make any sense, especially on the part of NCARB to have such a condition to disallowing the use of that title. Whether the Architects in US like it or not, there will be architects abroad and they would always use that title wherever they go. I have decided to use it whenever anyone asks me about my work. I can understand that not every architect is licensed to work in any region and that would be a registration issue. But the title of an "Architect" is too broad for a professional organization to lay claim on it around its jurisdiction You cannot control what people want themselves to be called especially when they are legally allowed or have been licensed to call themselves elsewhere.
The idea of exclusivity in the title of an "Architect" is no elitist that it leads to the Architectural community to distance themselves from the public at large
The idea of exclusivity in the title of an "Architect" is no elitist that it leads to the Architectural community to distance themselves from the public at large