The Bharati show- India to the world.

India is announcing itself with bang..! Yes this time its a dance, drama, and song and dance show travelling across europe at the moment called "The Bharati Show". In France, the reception was overhelming..obviously the French's fascination with Indian culture and that is mutual(why do you think I learnt French as an alternate european langauge). Its travelling across many European countries..and supposed to reach North America..maybe later in 2007.
Its produced by the Sahara Group..and features about 100 dancers/acrobats/singer/ 400 cosutumes...and a complete color extravaganza showing a snapshot of modern India.
check some clips..

My first opinion after seeing the quality of the packaging of the show is
"Hollywood take a backseat and wait and watch what happens...
Bollywood will engulf you soon.!"

Welcome India to the world!

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